If you do the things God hates and refuse to keep His commandments, you will receive the mark of the beast not the mark of God. How you live your life is evidence to God and man whether you are living by the word of God or the word of man.
God’s Promises to Those Who Keep His Commands

What does the tzitzit symbolize?
Each tassel has eight threads (when doubled over) and five sets of knots, totaling 13. The sum of all numbers is 613, traditionally the number of commandments in the Torah. This reflects the concept that donning a garment with tzitzit reminds its wearer of all Torah commandments, as specified in Numbers 15:39.
Tassels and Tzitzit
Numbers 15:38 - "Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners.
- "And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of YEHOVAH and do them, and that you [may] not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined,
- "and that you may remember and do all My commandments and be holy for your Elohim.
So that is the commandment. That is what we are told to obey. And most people do not even realize that this commandment even exists in the Scripture. But it is there.
Now some people believe that this particular commandment has now been set aside or abolished or done away with; we do not have to do it anymore because now we have the Holy Spirit to remind us of the commandments and we do not need a set of strings to remind us of commandments. But let's look at their reasoning for a minute. Yeshua did say:
John 14:26 - "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. So, they believe, those who regard this as being abolished, that the Holy Spirit now is what Yehovah has given us to bring to memory the things that we are told to do. But we have to be careful about using human reasoning to scratch out or abolish the Yehovah commandments. We have to be really careful about that.
Just because the Holy Spirit is able to bring Yehovah’s Word to our remembrance does not mean we no longer will have any kind of reminders at all about Yehovah’s Word and that the Holy Spirit substitutes everything. Because the truth is, we have all kinds of reminders in Scripture.
Tizitiz The wearing of tzitzit, is a constant reminder and an awareness to others of our obedience to God's commands. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Exodus 12:49
The knots on the tzitzit represent six hundred and thirteen commandments. Some are for men, women, children, Priests, and the temple Numbers 15:39.
The White Cords Every time you look up and see white clouds you are to remember to be holy just as He is Holy, you are to refuse to practice sinning God only gives His Spirit to those who refuse to practice sinning and obey His commandments. 1 Peter 1:16 1 John 3:4T
The Blue cord reminds us of the ocean, sky, and God's throne. It also reminds us of our personal relationship with God. blue is the color of God's Glory.
The Chain represents bondage to sin, The Spirit first convicts people of their sin, bringing to mind God's standards and leading them to repentance. God restrains sin through conscience
Yeshua wore the tizitzit as of obediently to God's commands.