Ngaphandle Kwentandabuzo Esengqiqweni

What does the tzitzit symbolize?
Each tassel has eight threads (when doubled over) and five sets of knots, totaling 13. The sum of all numbers is 613, traditionally the number of commandments in the Torah. This reflects the concept that donning a garment with tzitzit reminds its wearer of all Torah commandments, as specified in Numbers 15:39.
ITassels kunye Tzitzit
INUMERI 15:38 Thetha koonyana bakaSirayeli, uthi, mabenze intshinga emasondweni eengubo zabo, kwizizukulwana zabo, bafake imisonto emsi emasondweni eembombo zabo.
+ Iqunube libe lelokuba ukhangele kulo, uyikhumbule yonke imithetho kaYehova, uyenze, ukuze ungalandeli uhenyuzo oluthekelele kubo intliziyo yakho, namehlo akho;
ukuze niyikhumbule niyenze yonke imithetho yam, nibe ngcwele kuThixo wenu.
Umthetho ke lowo. Yiloo nto kanye esixelelwa ukuba siyithobele. Kwaye abantu abaninzi abaqondi nokuba lo mthetho ukho naseSibhalweni. Kodwa ikho.
Ngoku abanye abantu bakholelwa ekubeni lo mthetho uthile ngoku ubekelwe bucala okanye ubhangisiwe okanye uphelisiwe; akusafuneki siyenze kuba ngoku sinoMoya oyiNgcwele osikhumbuza ngemithetho kwaye asidingi ntambo yokusikhumbuza ngemithetho. Kodwa makhe sijonge indlela abaqiqa ngayo okomzuzwana. UYesu wathi:
UYOHANE 14:26 “Ke uMthetheleli, uMoya oyiNgcwele, aya kumthuma uBawo egameni lam, yena uya kunifundisa zonke izinto, anikhumbuze zonke izinto endizithethileyo kuni. Oku kwapheliswa, ukuba ngoku uYehova asinike uMoya oyiNgcwele, ukuba asikhumbuze izinto esixelelwa ukuba sizenze. yilumkele ngokwenene loo nto.
Into yokuba uMoya Oyingcwele ukwazi ukusikhumbuza iLizwi likaYehova akuthethi kuthi asisayi kuba nalo naluphi na uhlobo lwezikhumbuzo konke konke ngeLizwi likaYehova nokuba uMoya Oyingcwele uthabathel’ indawo yonk’ into. Kuba inyaniso ikukuba, sinazo zonke iintlobo zezikhumbuzo eSibhalweni.
Tizitiz The wearing of tzitzit, is a constant reminder and an awareness to others of our obedience to God's commands. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Exodus 12:49
The knots on the tzitzit represent six hundred and thirteen commandments. Some are for men, women, children, Priests, and the temple Numbers 15:39.
The White Cords Every time you look up and see white clouds you are to remember to be holy just as He is Holy, you are to refuse to practice sinning God only gives His Spirit to those who refuse to practice sinning and obey His commandments. 1 Peter 1:16 1 John 3:4T
The Blue cord reminds us of the ocean, sky, and God's throne. It also reminds us of our personal relationship with God. blue is the color of God's Glory.
The Chain represents bondage to sin, The Spirit first convicts people of their sin, bringing to mind God's standards and leading them to repentance. God restrains sin through conscience
Yeshua wore the tizitzit as of obediently to God's commands.